
Welcome to Haq Islam!

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,
Welcome to Haq Islam, a website created to bring together the many resources and websites available online regarding Islam in one single place. We also provide some beneficial reading material and with time we will add more and more to the site, Insha-Allah, but we ask that you:

  • make du’a that Allah accepts the efforts of all involved with Haq Islam and grants us the ability to improve it
  • remain patient should any part of the site not be fully functional/ working correctly
    place a link to this site on your list of links
  • inform friends and family of this website
  • last but not least, remember our brothers and sisters in Islam who are suffering daily and pray that Allah Ta’ala grants them Jannah for their patience and their tawakkul in Allah Ta’ala’s mercy.

May Allah shower his countless blessings upon those who encouraged, motivated and advised us to put together this website, Ameen.

We now have a subscription system to the site. Please enter your email address below tp receive email updates from the site.



    Al Widaa – Urdu Nasheed sun kar dil bhar aaya. Jazakallah

  • Salam. I was hoping you could add my blog to your website, I’ve already done the same 🙂

    I just re-started it so its still relatively fresh.

  • Can you add my blog to your website?

  • Nadia Yaqub


    I was wondering what had happened to the Breathe Islam blog as I have previously used the duas available by reciting the names of allah. At the moment I do need some assistance and those duas that were available would be beneficial to me at this precise moment in time. Is there any way someone could find out about those specific duas/wazeefas or could the blog be re-activated.



  • Nadia Yaqub


    Jazakallah for letting me know that most of the Breathe Islam content is located on Ahmed WordPress it is greatly appreciated.


  • assalamoalaikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakaatuhu, i wanted ur permission to post some of your posts on my blog site..www.islamguidence.blog.com
    hope u grant me tat, and kindly visit my site n leave a comment, advise on how to improve…appreciate it..wassalam

    • WS
      No problem sister amatullah, please go ahead and use any post but kindly do link back to the post here.

  • Asalaamu alaikum,
    Beautiful site and I enjoyed your articles! I am a new blogger, I just added your website to my blogroll but not sure how to check it. I will write about this site as a resource on my blog, inshallah. After you check my blog and if you think my blog is useful please add it to your list. http://www.stayingmuslim.com.

    Umm Sarah

  • Salams
    So what is the url for the blog?

  • Assalamualaikum, i am a new blogger and i wish that you can add my blog to your list http://www.islamcreedng.blogspot.com

  • Umre

    Assalamu Aleyküm Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,

    thanks for sharing Ahmed . its good informations 🙂

  • Faraash

    Salaam aleykum wa rahmatullah,

    what a nice concept ma shaa Allah, may Allah swt let us benefit of it and grant all participants Jammat-ul Firdouns inshaAllah, ameen.
    Allahumma barik I’m really impressed by your solidarity ma shaa Allah, so I’m gonna ask you guys to support my German/English blog. I try to convey my messages in poetry & I’d b really glad & surely will recommend yours as well in shaa Allah!


    Wa salaam aleykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh

  • Salam u alaykum !
    We are in the process of trying to get more subscribers for your YouTube channel: invitingPeople
    Our very first video is of the Adhan being called in the mountains in melbourne, Australia. This is the link, please like and share. May Allah reward you Ameen
    LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fSeZo1Wbmg

    • Salaam aleykum wa rahmatullah,

      what a nice concept ma shaa Allah, may Allah swt let us benefit of it and grant all participants Jannat-ul Firdouns inshaAllah, ameen.
      I’m really impressed by your solidarity ma shaa Allah, please can I used some of your contents?, I will link back to site, please link back to my site too, this is my site address,

  • anonymous muslim

    I would like to reach out to my fellow brothers and sisters in Islam and share what I have written in hopes that it may help someone. I don’t know where else to post or share this, but I can only hope it is meaningful…

    Today is just a bad day. I missed Jummah because of work and I ended up eating a burger that will excite my hormones and that is not good for anyone, especially me because I’m trying to stay clean spiritually and when things go wrongI tend to slip and fall, sometimes I fall harder than and faster than I can come to realize until its too late. My struggles in life are to overcome the hormones that drive me away from my beliefs and this is not an easy thing to do. I can only hope that I find strength within myself to stay clean and pure inwardly and outwardly. Life is tough, but more for others than for me. I pray that someday I get taken out of the darkness and find myself in the brightest of lights, not just me, but all of us who are struggling. Only through my struggle and the effort it will take, will take me there with much needed strength and a deeper unshakable belief in God. I am a sinner, I am repeater of sin, I am tainted, I am ugly, but only prayer and purity can fix me now, the only thing that can fix me or anyone else for that matter. Maybe someday I’ll shine, maybe I won’t but will only be known after my days in this world have passed. Where I go from there lies in the hands of God’s external mercy, where one can only hope is bestowed on themselves in order to achieve eternal happiness. I am a soul, I am human…most importantly I am a creation, a creation of God. To Him I belong, and to Him I shall return.

  • Aminah

    Assalamu Alaikum WA rahmatullahi WA barakatahu,
    I’m new to the Islamic blog world and was wondering if you guys could take a look at my website and give me some feedback. Mashaa Allah, you guys have some really great posts. Here it is: dunyatodeen.blogspot.com/?m=1

    Jazak Allahu khairan,
    Your sister in Islam.

  • Assalam alaikum,

    I’m very interested to see my blog in your list, here is the blog URL: https://www.aminullah.org thank-you!


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