

The arabic word tawakkul [توكّل] means trust. Tawakkul is the sense is that the believer should have total trust in Allāh, One and Pure, free from all conceivable associations and ascriptions, not simply theoretically but in deeds too and in all states and conditions of one’s life. In a sound Ḥadīth, the Prophet ﷺ has said that this [Tawakkul] does not mean that one should abandon material causes and means when it comes to taking care of ones legitimate needs.

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Your Blessings

Remember your blessings, that Allah has granted you, no matter what you’re going through.

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Allah’s Mercy

Imam Raazi rahmatullahi alayhi has written a story narrated by a pious person. The person narrated, “One evening I was walking along the riverbank, suddenly my eyes fell upon a scorpion walking in front of me. A thought occurred to me that this is also the Creation of Allah Ta’ala and Allah Ta’ala has created it out of some wisdom and reason. I did not know where it was coming from and where it was going to, or where it’s

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Business with Allah

Money has very little to do with it, otherwise all the rich would be blissfully happy and the poor totally miserable. Money can buy medicines but not health, acquaintances but not friends, servants but not faithfulness, food but not appetite. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has very aptly said that : “Riches are not from an abundance of worldly goods, but from a contented mind.” With all the scientific and technological advancement, man is still living a life of continued misery

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7 Wonders in Man

Man is aware about his inevitable death, yet he indulges in laughter and merriment. Knowing that this world will come to an end, man still hankers after it. Man knows that everything has been predestined yet he laments over the loss of something. Man has been warned and has the full knowledge about the fire of hell but he continues to sin. Man believes in the Reckoning of the hereafter but still he persists in amassing wealth. Declaring his belief

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Why does Allah put us through difficulties

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Shaykh Ahmed Ali (@shaykhahmedali)

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Doing a good deed

Do not consider yourself great for doing a good deed. Consider Allah great for granting you the ability to do a good deed.

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Inculcating Love for Allah

Ibn-ul-Qayyim mentioned ten ways through which love forAllah could be inculcated. They are: Recitation of the Qur’aan. Engagement in nawaafil (optional acts of ‘ibaadah) afterperformance of the faraa’id (compulsory acts of ‘ibaadah). Constant dhikr (remembrance) of Allah. Giving preference to His likes and desires over one’s own. Pondering over His names and attributes. Pondering over His benevolence and favours. Crying to Him with total humility. Sitting in solitude in order to speak to Him, read His speech(the Qur’aan) and express

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Rely on Allah

To know with certainty that you will never receive less than what was destined for you is the essence of reliance upon Allah. [Abul Hasan Bushaikhi]

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Turn to allah

When you have a terrible dayYou just want to screamjust turn to ALLAH When you’re feeling so downyou have lost all hopejust turn to ALLAH when you’re feeling betrayedyou just want to cursejust turn to ALLAH when you can’t see a way outof a terrible situationjust turn to ALLAH when you’re feeling likeyou have no self esteemjust turn to ALLAH when you’re feeling all ok andthe world is at your feetjust remember not to forget ALLAHyou can then be certain

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