
Allah has the Power

No matter how dark it looks right now, Allah has the power to lighten up any darkness in your life. Always remember, If Allah can turn night into day, then surely Allah can turn the darkness of your life into happiness & prosperity, place our complete trust in Allah The Almighty! Maulana Imtiyaz Sidat

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The Internal Dimensions of Hajj

The ultimate destination You are the luckiest person in the world. Allah has invited you personally to His House. What is Hajj? Hajj in the Arabic language means aim, destination or purpose (qasd). The reason is clear: Hajj is the ultimate journey of loving submission (‘ubudiyah) and conscious surrender (riq) to Allah. Its ultimate destination is your encounter with the House of Allah (Bayt al-Allah) – the Ka`bah – with both your physical body and, more importantly, your heart (qalb).

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Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyoom

Ibn Qayyim: “Whoever consistently says “Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyoom” Allah breathes life into their hearts. Say it as frequently as possible. 

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Fear Allah Alone

By Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq

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At The Time of Natural Disasters

By Shaykh Mawlana Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullah Everyone is aware of the devastation that natural disasters bring with them. Many lose their lives, hundreds of thousands lose relatives, entire communities are wiped out and countless buildings and properties are destroyed. Thousands, even millions are left homeless, having lost everything they once owned, living under open skies with nothing to eat and cover themselves with. Even after the calamity has subsided, the death toll continues to increase with the spread of disease.

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Divine Help

Divine help means to have enough strength to do good deeds, when one intends to do. Hazrat Ibrahim Adham

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Love & Mercy of Allah

Love and Mercy of Allah by Shaykh Ahmad Ali Venue: Nusratul Islam Masjid, Oldham Uploaded by IslamicPosters.co.uk & MasjidLive.com Twitter: @islamicposters

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When Allah Gives

Once a boy went to a shop with his mother.  The shop keeper looked at the small cute child and showed him a bottle with sweets and said ‘Dear Child, you can take some of these sweets. But the child didn’t take any of them. The shop keeper was surprised, such a small child he is and why is he not taking the sweets from the bottle.  Again he said take the sweets. This time the mother also heard that and

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The Greatest Return

There are many great “returns” that people experience in their lives. The returning of a missing child, finding a very valuable lost item or a close family member returning home after spending many years overseas are some instances of a great return. These are moments of immense joy and happiness. The greatest “Return,” however, is when a sinful servant who had abandoned Allah Ta’ala and fallen into sin makes sincere taubah (which literally means “to return”) and returns to his

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Allah is the Provider

Shaykh Sa’eed ibn Musfir narrates the following account: I was walking out of the Haram (the Ka’bah in Makkah) when I saw a man begging from everyone that passed by him. Just then a man who had parked his tinted Mercedes excessively close to the Haram in a designated VIP parking walked passed the beggar on his way to his car. As he pulled the keys out and the alarm did the ‘whup whup’, the beggar raised his finger to

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