
The Sunnahs of Eid

1. To awaken earlier than usual

2. To brush the teeth with Miswaak

3. To have a bath (Ghusl)

4. To be well dressed in an Islamic manner

5. To be dressed in one’s best clothes (Doesn’t necessarily have to be new)

Note: Care should be taken that we do not incur debts or transgress the limits of modesty on the clothes we purchase and wear on Eid day as is seen in Muslim communities of today. Many of our brothers are seen with unsuitable haircuts and inappropriate clothing imitating the kufaar and many of sisters are seen dressed provocatively attracting unwanted attention and the gaze of strange men upon them. What would happen if we were to die in such a state? We should adopt modesty in everyday of our lives and should never imitate the kufaar in anyway. May Allah save us from this evil. Ameen

6. To use Attar (Perfume)

7. To perform Eid Salah at the Eidgah (An open ground)

8. Avoid eating before Eid Salah on the day of Eid ul Adha and to eat an odd number of dates or anything sweet on the day of Eid ul Fitr

9. To go to the place of Eid Salah early

10. To walk to the place of Eid Salah (If it is within walking distance because every step is reward)

11. To read aloud “Takbeerat” on the way to the place of prayer for Eid-ul-Adha and silently for Eid-ul-Fitr:

“Allaahu Akbar Allaahu Akbar Laa ilaaha illallaahu Wallaahu Akbar walillaahil hamd”.

12. To use different routes to and from the place of Eid Salaah

13. To frequently read the takbeers (Loudly for Eid Ul Adha and softly for Eid ul Fitr)

14. To pray the Eid-Ul-Fitr prayer later and the Eid-ul-Adha earlier.

15. To read two rak’ahs Waajib Salaatul Eidain without any Adhaan or Iqaamah

16. It is forbidden to pray Nafil prayer before or after the prayer.

17. To read the two rak’ahs Nafl prayer on reaching home.

18. During Eid Salaah, in the first rak’ah, Rasulallah would recite Surah Ala (no. 87) and Suratul Ghathia (No. 8 in the second rak’ah.

19. Reciting these Sura’s in the Eid prayer should not be regarded as obligatory for other Sura’s may also be recited.

20. When Rasulallah completed the prayer of Salaatul Eidain he would stand facing the people who were seated in their rows and deliver a khutba issuing instructions and commanding them to do good. If he intended to send an army he did so and likewise issued any special orders he wished to.

21. The Khutba was delivered after the Eid Salaah

22. During both the khutba’s of Eid Rasulallah used to recite the Takbeerat frequently

23. The khutba of both Eids are Sunnah but to listen to them is Waajib. It is totally prohibited (Haraam) to walk around, talk or even read Salaah whilst the khutba is in progress.

24. To shake hands and hug one another on happy occasions is Mubaah (permissible). The general principle of a Mubaah act is not to regard the act as compulsory as that projects a wrong image of Deen. Furthermore, people should not regard the meeting on the day of Eid as compulsory and an inseparable part of the occasion.

(SUNNATS, Mufti E. M. H. Salejee pg 89, 90)
25. The greeting on Eid: Jabyr ibn Nufayr said: ‘When the companions of Allah’s Messenger met on the day of Eid, they would say to each other, ‘Taqaballahu minna wa mink (May Allah accept from us and you).” [Al Mahamiliyyat; hasan isnad; see Fath ul Bari 2:446


  • Suhailah

    May I ask?
    You wrote “16. It is forbidden to pray Nafil prayer before or after the prayer.’
    What if it is the Tahiyyatul Masjid sunnah prayer?Is it sunnah not for it to be done b4 eid prayer?

  • Ismail Patel

    It is written in fiqh Kitaabs that one should not pray any nafl Salaah in Musallaa I.e the masjid. If a person desires to pray any nafl the. One should pray at home.

    From Hidayah:
    (و لا يتنقل في المصلي قبل صلاة العيد)
    لان النبي صلي الله عليه و سلم لم يفعل ذالك مع حرصه علي الصلاة
    دليل: صحيح البخاري-٩٦٣

    The majority of the scholars are of the saying that nafl Salaah is Makrooh before eid Salaah in the Masjid and also in the house.

    To pray nafl after eid Salaah in the musallaa is Makrooh according to all the scholars. If someone wants to pray nafl after the eid Salaah then one may pray at home. This has been derived from the Hadith of Hadhrat Abu Saeed Al Khudri RA as narrated in Sunan Ibn Majah-1293 (the chain of narrators are sound-Hasan) (imam Haakim has authenticated this Hadeeth.

    Hope this clears up any doubts.

    Ismail Patel

  • Suhailah

    Just to make things clearer for me…
    Not even the tahiyyatul masjd prayer, that is sort of a greeting the masjid upon entering it and is highly recommended by Rasulullah pbuh?

  • Ali


    Just to confirm this Fatwa is it covering generally all the Mathehebs or is it inclined to some.

    Just be a little clearer on the Tahiyatul Masjid Sallah.



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