
Etiquettes for the Seeker of Sacred Knowledge

Etiquettes for the Seeker of Sacred Knowledge and the Snare of Shaytan Shaykh Nazim Mangera, sunniforum.com For a long time I have wanted to discuss some etiquettes about reading Islamic literature and listening to speeches delivered by scholars. We should read and listen with the intention of benefiting from their writings and their speeches. Whatever our intention is, that is what we will get from it. If we read and listen with the intention of increasing our knowledge and trying

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N9JYJ4TF3UZF Many students succumb to such drastic measures. Some students work and study extremely hard but fail. Due to failure, they sink into such depression that they feel they have to take or inject themselves with drugs, tranquilizers, etc. for sleep. Why ?…Because they failed. If a person did not make Tadbeer, i.e. did not make a serious and concerted effort and thereafter fails, then he must blame himself. However, generally, we do make a reasonable effort but sometimes still

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Gender Interaction on Campus

In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful, The question of gender interaction on campus is one of great importance. Unfortunately, at least in many cases, it has been handled from one or two extremes. I remember visiting an MSA and finding the entire MSA was shut down because, at the first meeting a brother stood up, pointed at the sisters and said, “Why are they here? It is not allowable for you to be here!” On the other

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Ten tips to help your memory improve

Before you study for your next exam, you might want to use a few strategies to boost your memory of important information. There are a number of tried and tested techniques for improving memory. These strategies have been established within cognitive psychology literature and offer a number of great ways to improve memory, enhance recall and increase retention of information. 1. Focus your attention on the materials you are studying. Attention is one of the major components of memory. In

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A Message for Students

Today’s message is to the students, whether in school, college or university. You are in a tough situation, but thank Allah that you have parents who can buy you the things you need for school. Everything is given to you so you can learn and graduate and get a job and teach your children the way you were taught. Renew your intentions that you are studying for the sake of Allah. Allah says time and time again how important knowledge

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Assalam Alaykum, Recently I posted the top tips for exam success, whilst on the subject Maulana Zain over at his blog, My Life in Draft has posted his views and lessons to be learnt from his perspective being someone preparing for examinations himself.  Please take a look Examinations  and Exams by Maulana Zain. Anas (رضى الله تعالى عنه) narrates that the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said, “None of you can truly be said to believe until he wants for his brother what

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Tips for Exam Success

Asslam Alaykum, Given it’s the time of the year when many are either sitting exams or about to over the coming weeks, I thought I would share my top tips for exam success.  I pray you find them beneficial and that Allah grants you success in this life and the hereafter, ameen. 1, Avoid unnecessary talking outside the exam hall before the exam. It’s too late to do anything now and listening to others about what they have revised, or

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It needn’t be the case, just follow the directions to achieve great results every time, Insha’Allah. Always, always, always begin with Bismillah. Examine your niyaah (intention) and correct it if necessary. Honour your teachers no matter how strange their teaching methods seem to you. Respect and reverence for teachers are amongst the distinguishing marks of being a Muslim student. Begin making preparations well before the examinations begin. Plan out a REALISTIC timetable that will result in you having covered (or

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Make it or Break it?

Source: As-Sabiqoon Monthly Magazine Issue 9 Sept 2006 Have you ever felt like you don’t fit in? Ever questioned why your heart still isn’t content, even though you have everything going for you?? An ex-college student was interviewed to find out about her experiences during college life and how she handled these common feelings. Q. Was there a change from how u were when you started college, and how u were when you left college? A. Definitely, college is the

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Etiquettes of Students

If you are a student, then you should observe the praiseworthy rules of a student’s dealing with a learned man. These rules are: to greet the learned man first to speak little in his presence not to speak much so long as his teacher does not ask him anything not to ask him questions before receiving his permission not to say, by the way of objection to his words, “So-and-so said contrary to what you have said.” not to argue

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