
Muslim Uni Life?

Freedom. Young people live for the day when they can move out of the house and go to university and finally be free. Freedom from their parents, from restrictions on their lifestyle, from everyone telling them what to do. This is why in university you find a whole generation that does what they want. Life’s short they say, let’s enjoy ourselves while we can. So it goes for Muslims. In university you find the most amazing things, Muslims who don’t

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Double Life of Muslim Students

By Claire Coleman For the past four years, 24-year-old engineering student Sofia Ahmed has been leading a double life. During a typical week, she will study in her university library by day, then head to any one of Liverpool’s many student bars at night. There, she will party until the early hours: drinking, smoking and experimenting with the hedonistic lifestyle of a typical British undergraduate. But at the weekend, Sofia plays the role of a completely different person; a dutiful

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Revision guidelines

by Ahmed So you’ve got a few months left for your exams, or perhaps only a few weeks. This article aims to talk about how you can go about planning your revision and exam preparation. You may or may not agree with all, or some, of the things I say, this is ok, as you should use the method you feel comfortable with. If something different has worked for you then stick to that. First off, check you have all

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