
Vulgar and Immoral Speech

The Messenger pbuh says, “A true believer is neither vulgar nor immoral when he speaks”.

Many of us use words that we are prohibited to use, and get so used to using such language that we don’t even realise what we are uttering.

Using such words is sinful even if we are joking, and it results in the loss of blessings in our lives, the discomfort to the angels of protection who distance themselves from us, losing respect among fellow human beings and setting a very bad precedent in our families and societies.

It also diminishes our spirituality and strengthens the link with Satan.

It has a great negative effect on our minds and overall temperament.

For this and many other reasons, we must never utter vulgar or immoral words.

Speaking using the best and purest language will create a blessed look on our faces to begin with and result in us being respected and blessed at the same time. Our general lives will begin to improve and we will see this clearly and feel it truly.

Are we ready to promise the Creator that we will improve on this immediately?

Mufti Ismail Menk

One comment

  • sayed reshma

    may aallah bless us to be honest and good and lots of dua for you for teaching us


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