
Taraweeh Salaah – Night 4

Taraweeh Salaah – Night 4
By Sheikh Abdul Hamid Lachporia – Canada
In the Name of Almighty Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Tonight’s Tarawee consists of the last quarter of Lantana (Juz 4) to the end of Wal-Muh’sanat(Juz 5). The Surah covers three quarter of Surah An-Nisaa. This Surah is closely related with the previous Surah and deals with the social problems that the Muslim community had to face immediately following the Battle of Uhud.

The principals laid down in this Surah have always been regarded as Muslim Law and social practice for The Muslim Ummah for all times. This Surah can be divided into two different parts: (1) Dealing with general family life, the rights of women in Islam; treatment towards orphans and the rights of orphans; laws dealing with inheritance and marriage; (2) Dealing with the Muslim community in Madinah as well as dealing with the hypocrites and the Jews. Hence in this Surah, we find the regulations laid down for both our private law as well as our attitude towards our territorial neighbours.

The Surah begins with an appeal to the unity of mankind since Almighty Allah Azza Wajjal created mankind from “a single soul”. Women and orphans have certain rights which must always be fulfilled. We are asked to treat women and orphans in a just manner. Husband and Wife must honour each other. Close family relationships that are blessed with offspring are healthy and are a great source of Allah’s Pleasure. This leads to the discussion of Laws and Inheritance, indicating that justice must extend to the distribution of wealth to all family members. We must follow Allah’s Commandments towards family while they are alive as well as when they have departed from this Doonya.

The Bani Isra’eel are accused of indulging in twisting words and making fun of the Divine Commandments and believing in magic and evil. The hypocrites are also warned. The only salvation left for these misguided people is to accept Nabee Muhammad Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam as the true Messenger of Allah and to accept the Holy Qur’an as the final revealed message with complete confidence. Muslims are told to be well prepared against their enemies as well as against the hypocrites. The lives of Muslims are sacred and a believer should never kill another believer. If one slays a believer in error, full compensation should be made to his family.

Do not judge those who offer Salaam to you; instead investigate the matter thoroughly before passing judgement. Do not live in a place that is hostile towards Islam – if you are able to migrate to a safer place. We are asked to shorten our Salaat in times of danger and on journeys. Do not go astray but follow the Laws of Allah as laid down in the Holy Qur’an. Muslims are told that the best form of charity is charity that is given secretly; restore brotherhood and peace between quarreling Muslims. Shirk is not forgiven.

Being just to orphans and women is part of Imaan. Practice justice even if the verdict is against yourself or your family members. Strengthen your faith by rejecting evil deeds and hypocrisy. Speak truthfully and avoid hurting the feelings of others. All the Prophets of Allah Alayhim Salaam brought the same message of Truth…the Message of Islam thus do not say: “We believe in (the teachings of) some but reject (the teachings of) others.”

Courtesy: www.everymuslim.com


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