
Religious Education for Children

If you don’t give a child the toy he desires he will cry for a short while But if you don’t give him education then he will cry for the latter part of his life. However, if you don’t make him religious he will cry forever in his eternal life after he dies! Shaykh Hasan Ali

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10 Things you must Not Do with your child

TEN THINGS YOU MUST NOT DO WITH YOUR CHILD ScreamingSome say its worst than beating, and leaves one with long-term mental and emotional scars. Remember, the Prophet ‎ﷺ never raised his voice on a child, women, a friend or otherwise. BlamingBlaming weakens relations, lowers self-esteem and prompts children to be on the defense, even when they haven’t done something wrong. Anas b. Malik, then a 10 year old child, said: “I served the Prophet ‎ﷺ for nine years. He never

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Reprimanding Children

“Nowadays parents refrain from reprimanding their children as they deem them to be very little. However, if a child does an action which is considered bad from a deeni and worldly perspective, it is then Fardh upon the parents to reprimand such a child. This is because there is a high possibility, the child will grow older and inculcate this bad behaviour into their lives. The sin for this bad habit will then fall upon the parents.” Mufti Taqi Usmani

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The Real Orphan

The real orphan is unruly  yet he thinks he acts coolly He loves to rant and rave;  is it attention he craves? Who has produced one so errant?  surely it is the hopeless parent! The father too busy in the shop  the mother buying another shapely top!   The parents cares for him not  letting him to lie and rot If one has to about him complain  the parents says; ‘surely my angel isn’t to blame!’ To the parents I

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10 Principles for the Upbringing of Children

1. Teach by example, because children listen with their eyes. 2. Introduce Allah to your child: His glory, obedience to Him over obedience to anyone else, asking only from Him, Importance of the Faraa’idh. 3. Introduce Rasoolullah (S) to your child: His life & times, following his Sunnah in everything in life, his Message, and his Work: Da’wah. 4. Systematic education of Islam parallel with regular education: 4-5 hours/week; Arabic language, Tajweed, Qira’ah ul-Qur’an, Aqeedah, Hadith, Fiqh, Seerah. 5. Manners: Akhlaaq.

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