
Simple Ways To Change Yourself

Simple Ways To Change Yourself by Mufti Ismail Menk

Al-Imdaad Programme Blackburn


  • sheikh ubaid

    AAsalam waliqum, it is very sad for me that cannot pray salah as i am very unlucky becoz of following i cannot read arabic well i failed to build my carrier i shape is not well made by al mighty my parents remain always un happy with me i caaot understand why almighty has made me i did not want to live i always find myself weaping plz plz plz plz prey for me

  • Khadeejah

    Try to learn arabic gradually and sincerely for Allaah’s sake and insha Allaah you will become better and able to pray well;may Allaah make it easy for you and reward you..Ameen..salaamun alaykum


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