
Muslim Beliefs

The religion of a Muslim is called Islam. Muslim beliefs/ faith of the religion in a nutshell are given below.

  1. Muslim beliefs in Allah – the one and only almighty God, Lord and Creator. Him we trust and Him alone we fear.
  2. Muslims believe in the angels created by Allah. We know them even though they are not visible to us. They are the obedient servants of Allah and they carry out all His orders.
  3. Muslims believe that the words which Allah revealed to the prophets were written down in books. The last book, which was given to Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) is the Qur’an. The Quran is the only book from Allah which is complete and preserved in its original form.
  4. Muslims believe that Allah has sent His prophets to all mankind with the message to worship only Allah and to do good. Other Prophets Muslims believe in include Jacob (Yakub), Joseph (Yusuf), Jesus (Isa) and Moses (Musa) peace be upon them all.
  5. Muslims believe in the Day of Resurrection when Allah will wake us from our deaths. We will be rewarded for the good that we have done and those of us who did not believe in Allah and did evil, will be punished.
  6. Muslims believe that Allah has taught us to understand what good and evil is, so that we can ourselves decide for the good and against the evil. All good and evil is decreed by Allah.
  7. Muslims believe in Life after Death. The life after death is eternal and one will be rewarded with either Heaven or Hell depending on how the life of this earth was spent.

 As mentioned above these are Muslim beliefs in a nutshell and are the core of what each muslim believes.  However, there is much more to muslim beliefs than just the above and these are explored in more detail in other pages and articles of this site.


  • Muslim


  • salma

    Mashallah, Islam is the way forward<3 Allah Hu Akbar x

  • Adrian Peake

    I want to know if it is against the Muslim religion to speak to a female over the phone? As in, telling her I miss her and other sentiments referred to as “Sweet Talking.” Please send the response to the email above. Thank you. KMN

  • Asah

    To Adrian-
    No. Islam will not punish you for that. If you miss someone, then you miss them. That is all. You can not help your feelings. Life on earth is about telling people how you mean to them. God will always love you

  • Michael A


    Muslim can talk to a female over the phone. Its the other type of MISUSE of phone talk that is sinful.

  • kendra

    God is love, Why must man make things so difficult. Everyone seems to forget about that main reason, our creator formed us. LOVE, yet all of us condemn one another. Jesus came hear to teach love, teach us how to love, the fact is our creator did not give man all of his thoughts and plans, for all any of us know we r all wrong.. I watched a show on Mecca, it was confussing to me, why would our creator only want Muslim to worship him? I believe there is only one God. I am not christain nor Muslim. Religon has been created by man, How do any of us really know our creator is happy with any of our actions .man has bestowed generations after generations of hate, pride,greed, violeance, jealously, over his land, his world, his stars, his oceans, his universe. All of this belongs to our creator, none if us is worthy, just something to think about.

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  • Lost

    Is it possible to be converted to be a muslim by getting married to onw, and is it safe? If its possible what’s the rules a girl should live by? I’m honestly scared of muslims mostly because suicide bombers and stuff you hear about but I love him and wouldn’t want to jut give up because I’m scared. Please help me out and help me understand.

  • R Butler

    Lost, I am a Christian but I know that in the Muslim faith they accept conversion from all who wish to be converted, it does not have to be thru marriage. As far as being safe that depends upon which sect you may enter and your location, there are some extreme groups which are fighting a war of gihad, but they are considered a small radical group. The majority of Muslims are the same as Christians, we share similar beliefs and the only difference I’ve discovered that is important to Christians is that they believe Jesus was simply a prophet, where we believe he was divine and the actual son of God. Talk with your beloved about what he would be expecting of you as far as the rules or guidelines for a Muslim woman, if you love him enough and can live by those guidelines then go with your heart.

    • S O'hara

      I love your response to Lost so much. I am a Christian too, and I see many similarities in my faith as the Muslim faith. You worded everything perfectly.

  • Melanie

    Ok…. I have a Muslim friend, I’m very new and confussed But don’t believe you have to convert your beliefs to be in a relationship, I grew up a Christian and believe that there is ONE God, nomatter what your religion, when we are on our knees out prayer are heard by ONE God. Call him what you wish. I personally feel blessed to have the freedom to choose, I enjoy learning all aspects of religion and others beliefs, what if EVERYONE liked the same football team? I enjoy the GAME, life’s a journey not a destination, be good to others, strive to be “God like”, and spread the word, the good news..!!!
    The Human Race….!!!!

  • mable lane

    I recently met a man on a chatline. We have gotten very close. He’s a Muslim from Pakistan. I’m a christain. He has asked me if I would consider converting to muslin. This scares me, I’ve been a christain all my life. Do u think its wise to convert your reliegn just because someone wants you to? He wants us to get married, & he wants me to convert before marriage. I’m confused & don’t know what to do. Could u give me some advise? Thank you.

  • Jay


    You should find the answer yourself. We live in an age where its much easier to obtain information. Don’t convert faiths for him. If you truly believe in an all powerful God then you must believe he will show you and guide you to the answer of which faith is right for you.

  • mable lane

    Thank you for ur reponse. It helped me out a lot.

  • Ajacks

    Marble —
    I hope that you have met up with this person before you are thinking about converting and marrying him??? Also, how can you turn your beliefs on your religion off and start believing the ways of this new religion? That was always really hard for me to understand. I get that when you love someone that you are willing to COMPROMISE on things, but changing your entire religion? Why doesn’t he change? Not that either of you should change what you believe in…but has it ever been an option for him to change his religion?
    I just feel like there is no way I could do that when I believe so strongly in God (I’m a Christian) and Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I couldn’t turn my back on that. Maybe some people aren’t as strong in their faith so they feel they can convert to another religion… I dunno. Just find it interesting. And be safe… just make sure you know the person very well and understand the religion very well before you make a drastic decision.
    Not trying to sound rude or overbearing, just looking out and trying to understand.
    Hope you make the best decision for you and wish you all the happiness.

  • Mohsin bashir

    MA SHA ALLAH MAY ALLAH gave hidayat to all non muslims.. ameen

  • mable lane

    Thank u for ur words of wisdom & strenght. I have broken up with the Muslim guy. & no I didn’t convert to Islam. I couldn’t turn my back on my beliefs & my Gud. Love mable lane.

  • Sunflower

    I am a muslim girl. I want to say to Christions that muslims believe in Jesus and God, exactly like Christion. Our god is exactly yours! There in one main difference between our belifes and christions belifes. We believe that the message of God was not completed by prophit Jesus, so, prophit Muhammad came to complete the massage of God for all people. There is no difference between I ( as a muslim girl) and you Marble. The only thing that is important is this massage: during our life we should try to find out the truth, I think it worth to try to know how other people with other religons belive and think. Islam help you alot to know yourself, your God and the goal of living in this world, Marble!

    • Cristian

      Hi Sunflower,

      There is one big difference between Islam and the Christian faith, and that is the fact that Christians believe that Jesus was God manifested in the flesh, NOT that the flesh was God, but that God (Allah), created a body inside Mary and then dwelt in it and expressed Himself in that body. This belief is very hard for Muslims to accept. Peace be unto you!

  • Vijay Gaikwad

    Mable, marriage is not based only on religion. It is founded on trust, respect and love for each other. Both husband and wife have to trust each other, both have to respect each other’s feelings and beliefs. Neither the wife nor the husband is subservient to the other, but both have equal rights and responsibilities. I am glad you left the guy who couldn’t trust or show respect for your believes.

  • gary

    I have read many nice things about the muslim religion and
    the similar beliefs with Christians. I am convinced the small differences can be overcome. Jesus, mohammad , prophets and angels are acknowledged by all ,albeit differently. But
    what is the significance of the head coverings? modesty? I saw
    a young lady in a black berka, this was a bit concerning,black clothing symbolizes death to some people.Iwasn’t sure this did mean some violence was about to happen . Will someone explain the Black head to toe berka. really I want to know.

  • gary

    Sorry , I am learning at the speed of subsonic typic,
    Burqa not Berka , I think , just looked it up.

    • Cristian


      In the Christian faith, the Holy Scripture commands women to have their head covered because of the angels in heaven and those on earth (men). The head covering shows obedience to God’s word, and I am sure it is the same way in Islam. The black color is just a color that doesn’t call too much attention to itself.


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