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We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.

One comment

  • Onaldo A Pereira

    Dear friends,
    May there be peace!
    I have written to you for many years asking about your religion and up to now got no answer.
    I am sure there will come a day when somebody among you will send me the information I have asked for.
    Belonging to such a wonderful religion I would be anxious to offer all material needed for a person to become knowledgeable about it and win all minds and hearts to it. I am sure you do feel the same way and I will finally be helped.
    I am a 54 years old widowed man from central Brasil, a retired teacher I leave in a small farm far from any city.
    Please, send me information on paper, for two reasons. One, I can’t read on a screen but for a short period of time because of an serious eye disease, after a few minutes I just see nothing but a blur. Two, I have no Internet access unless I go to Cyber-cafe in town, where I only go every tow weeks. They have no printer in that town.
    What do I want to know about your faith? Everything, from the beginning. Your special books, I am anxious to read them.
    Please, help me! I will share what I learn with others and donate what I read to the town library.
    My postal address (mail box) is:
    Caixa postal 114
    CEP 74001 970 Goiania, Goias, Brazil
    Thank you so very much!
    Mr. Alves Pereira


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