
Ability to Rest

Alhumdulillah for the blessing of being able to relax on my day off. Having just visited a relative who has broken their leg…
Makes one appreciate that we can rest/ spend time with kids and loved ones with ease and comfort.

May Allah give speedy recovery and complete shifa’ to all our brothers and sisters, ameen.


  • Ameen InshaAllah

  • sayed reshma

    Alhumdulilah & Ameen Plz remeber me in your dua bcoz i need all of your prayer

  • Khadijah U. Bilal

    Thank Almighty Allah, the Only that can afford us rest and relaxation. I am grateful to read your post and the gratitude you express. I know the feeling. Allah swt blessed me to have a tumor removed from within the center of my head, below my brain and I awakened with 99% less pain than I expected. My happiness is immeasurable, my gratitude for living through the surgery, awaking with very little pain reassured me of what Our Dear Nabi (saw) says of Our Lord; that Allah swt is to the believer what the believer believes Allah to be. I believe and know that He is the Merciful Healer and the One to bring the Ultimate Peace. That is exactly what Allah swt has done for me.

    As I recover, I smile as wide as my nerves will allow, cry tears of joy , and try my best to give all the rights Allah swt grants. I am so blessed. Allah swt took care of me and the surgeon guiding him to complete this needed job for me. Alhamdullilah. I am thankful , thankful, thankful. I pray Allah swt bless all believers who are suffering and unable to rest to have rest. Ameen. For surely Allah swt is sufficient for us. Subhanallah.

    May Allah swt accept our prayers and gratitude for His Mercy. Ameen. May those believers with medical problems put their trust in Allah swt for only Allah swt brings rest, cures and healing leaving no evidence of illness.

    Allah u Akbar! I pray Allah swt forgives our sins and guide us to His Will. Ameen.


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