Hope and Fear

Hope and Fear are like the two wings of a dove
They need to be in balance in order to fly.

Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq quoting an arab poet

Aim of Tasawwuf

“The aim of Tasawwuf is to clean the heart from spiritual diseases, and to educate, or transform, the self (Nafs), and to seek Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala’s pleasure through imposing the Shariah on ourselves inwardly and outwardly, all in the way followed by our Rasulullah Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam and the righteous predecessors (Salaf).”

Extract from ‘Tasawwuf and Tazkiyah’ by Shaykh Imran ibn Adam

Internet and Haya

Sourced from Ashrafiya

Respected Sahibzada Amer (may Allah grant him a long and healthy life) a very senior murid of sayyidi wa sanadi said,

“We focus on staying away from television, as most of the programming is un-Islamic. However, little if any attention is paid to the internet. Inappropriate use of internet is more rampant and morally destructive than TV. Even the most religious and pious families are suffering from its corrupt use. Homes are being destroyed by this misuse.

Watching pornographic material, chatting freely with opposite sex individuals (or even same sex but in a lewd way) and reading indecent stuff leads to loss of modesty (haya) in one’s character. 

Modesty (haya) is an essential ingredient for being a true Mulsim.

The beloved Prophet (may Allah’s blessing and peace be on him) said :
“Haya’ (modesty) and Iman (faith) are two (things) that go together. If one is lifted, the other is also lifted.” [al-Hakim]

“Al-Haya’ is part of Iman.”
“Haya’ does not produce but goodness.”
[al-Bukhari and Muslim]

 ‘Every deen has an innate character. The character of Islam is modesty.’ (Muwatta)

“Modesty is part of faith, and faith leads to heaven; while vulgarity is part of unfaith, and unfaith leads to hell.” (Al-Bukhari in Al-Adab Al-Mufrad, Ibn Majah and Al-Hakim)”

Awareness regarding this issue has to be created in all Muslims.  

May Allah save us from the inappropriate use of His blessings. Amin!”

Jeddah, KKNGH, MC 1, 11#8


A wise person once said:

“Contentment is not the fulfilment of what you want, but the
realisation of how much you already have.”

Advance Forward

We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.

The Greatness of a Tear

by Abu Abdullah Ibne Ismail

“The tears that are shed due to the fear of Allah or out of his love are so great that they should be not wasted.

They are so blessed that one should wipe these tears over his face rather then letting them waste away.”

Source: In Shaykh’s Company


“Hearts without trust in God have to listen to a lot of advertisements from hell”
Shaykh Nuh Keller, Deenport


Ilm is that asset which not only increases one’s knowledge and respect in his community, but it also makes his heart pure and keeps it protected from evils. It also teaches the heart and soul to live according to the commands of Allah Taa’la.

Source: The True Knowledge

True Devotee

The most distinguished qualities of a true devotee of Allah are that he keeps his secret concealed, his self safe from sins and performs his duties towards Allah with full responsibility.
Hazrat Royam bin Mohammad

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