
Four Things To Do On Laylatul Qadr

Shaykh Hassan Ali suggests four things we can do on Laylatul Qadr which will make you amongst the richest people in the hereafter.

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Real Compensation & Retribution

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Clutching Cinders

Clutching Cinders – Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq The Prophet ﷺ has warned us, “A time will come upon the people, during which a person who remains perseverant and steadfast on his faith will be like one who is clutching cinders.” (Tirmidhi) This prophecy of the Prophet ﷺ shows the believers that a time of great fitnah will come, where holding on to one’s own religion will be extremely difficult. The presence of fitnah is nothing new as Allāh has made

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Our link to Rasulullah peace be upon him

By Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq

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Abu Bakr as-Siddique

Abu Bakr as-Siddique (ra) – Shaykh Ahmed Ali

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Power of Allah

The Power of Allah by Shaykh Ahmad Ali

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The Journey of a Bad Soul

In this talk Shaykh Ahmad Ali discusses the journey the bad soul will experience after their death. May Allah save us all from such an experience, ameen. Please share, like retweet etc. so that others can also benefit from the speech of the Shaykh.

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