
Non Acceptance of Du’aas

Abu Is’haaq Ebrahim Ibne Ad’ham was once passing through a bazaar in Basrah. It ws said unto him: “O Abu Is’haaq, verily Allah has declared ‘Ask Me, I will grant you your request.’ Why is it that we make du’aa and He does not accept?” Abu Ishaaq replied: “Surely it is because your hearts have become dead, due to ten things:

1 You have known who Allah is, yet you have not fulfilled His duties;
2 You have recited the Qur’aan, yet you have not practiced upon it;
3 You have proclaimed the love of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, yet you have not practiced upon his sunnah;
4 You have pronounced that the shaytaan is your enemy, yet you have stood with him;
5 You have pronounced your desire for jannah, yet you have done nothing to achieve it;
6 You have pronounced your fear for jahannam, yet you have done nothing to escape it;
7 You have proclaimed that there surely is no escape from death, yet you do not prepare for it;
8 You have indulged in seeking the faults of others, and have left looking into your own faults;
9 You have enjoyed all the Blessings and Bounties of Allah, yet you do not give Him due praise for it;
10 You have buried your dead, but you have taken no admonition.

How then will your du’aa be accepted?”


  • Bilal A.


  • P A Rahim

    Asslamoalaikum. Why any good advice has to come only in the negative form? Can it not be conveyed in positive form i.e. “You have known Allah, now fulfill your duties towards him………….and so on. Insa Allah your duas shall be accepted.” Allah knows the best.

  • Mr Wildstomp

    Because it’s an explanation of why god does not answer prayer requests. If expressed more positively then people could fulfil the requirements, and then say: “Look! I did all that and allah did NOT answer my prayers!”

  • Rofia

    Masha’Allah. May Allah grant us d ability to act upon that.


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