
A collection of authentic Prophetic Duas (Supplications) for daily use and a variety of occassion. Bring blessings into your life through these duahs.

Supplication of the Traveller for the Resident

أَسْتَوْدِعُكُمُ اللهَ الَّذِيْ لَا تَضِيْعُ وَدَائِعُهُ Astawdiʿukumu-llāha-lladhī lā taḍīʿu wadā’iʿuh. I leave you in the care of Allah, who does not allow anything entrusted to Him to be lost. Abū Hurayrah (radiy Allāhū ‘anhu) said: “The Messenger of Allah ﷺ bid me farewell and said [the above].” (Ibn Mājah 2825) https://alifewithallah.com

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Dua on Laylatul Qadr

Aaisha (RadhiAllaho anha) reports: “I said: ‘O Messenger of Allah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam), should I find myself the “Laylatul Qadr”, what shall I pray. The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) replied: say, أَللّهُمَّ إِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ تُحِبُّ العَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنّيْ ‘Oh Allah, indeed You are most forgiving, You love to forgive, so forgive me.’[a-Tirmidhi] 4 things to do on Laylatul Qadr What is Laylatul Qadr?

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Dua for Iftar

When breaking the fast – Iftar اللَّهُمَّ اِنِّى لَكَ صُمْتُ وَبِكَ امنْتُ وَعَلَى رِزْقِكَ اَفْطَرْتُ O Allah! I fasted for You and I believe in You and I break my fast with Your sustenance. [Abu Dawud] Transliteration: Allahumma Inni laka sumtu wa bika amantu wa ‘ala rizqika aftartu Iftar commences at Maghrib, marked by the initial words of the beautiful adhan. In our weakened state from fasting, the urge to hastily break our fast is strong. Yet, this vulnerable moment

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Dua for protection from harm

O Allah keep me safe and others safe from me.

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Dua for protection from coronavirus

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Dua for Strengthening Memory

Dua for Strengthening Memory: Glorified are You. We do not know except what you have taught us. Surely you are all-knowing, all-wise. My Lord, expand for me my Bosom and ease for me my task and remove the knot from my tongue (speech) so that they may understand my speech. My Lord increase me in knowledge. O Allah, fill my heart with light and increase the strength of my hearing, my sight and my memory.

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Dua for Suhur

When beginning the fast – Suhur (sehri) بِصَوْمِ غَدٍ نَوَيْتُ مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ I intend to keep the fast for tomorrow in the month of Ramadan. Transliteration: Bi-sawmi ghadin nawaytu min shahri ramadan There is no special Du’aa to begin the fast. You can make the Niyyat in your own language e.g. O Allah I am fasting tomorrow for you. So make it easy for me and accept it from me. The du’aa provided here is an example. Niyyat means

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Dua for Driving in slippery conditions

Du’a for driving in slippery conditions: ‘Allamah Sakhawi (rahimahullah) has quoted a Scholar from the past to have suggested the following du’a for protection against ones conveyance skidding/slipping: ‎إنَّ اللهَ يُمْسِكُ السَّماواتِ وَالأَرْضَ أَنْ تَزُولا “InnAllaha yumsikus samawati wal arda an tazoola” Translation: “Indeed Allah Ta’ala is the One who keeps the heavens and the earth from moving/shaking.” The full incident: Muhadith Ibrahim ibn Isma’il (rahimahullah) narrates that his father mentioned: I was on a journey from Harran to Al-Musil

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