
The Greatness of a Tear

by Abu Abdullah Ibne Ismail “The tears that are shed due to the fear of Allah or out of his love are so great that they should be not wasted. They are so blessed that one should wipe these tears over his face rather then letting them waste away.” Source: In Shaykh’s Company

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“Hearts without trust in God have to listen to a lot of advertisements from hell” Shaykh Nuh Keller, Deenport

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Ilm is that asset which not only increases one’s knowledge and respect in his community, but it also makes his heart pure and keeps it protected from evils. It also teaches the heart and soul to live according to the commands of Allah Taa’la. Source: The True Knowledge

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This morning was a cold walk accross the park to work. I made sure that I was prepared by putting on my big coat, woolly hat and gloves before even leaving the house. So what? Well, we are always reminded, either in the quran, ahadith or by others, of the temporary nature of this life in the dunya, yet we still remain ignorant to prepare for when we have to leave this world. The journey to work/ school etc. for

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True Devotee

The most distinguished qualities of a true devotee of Allah are that he keeps his secret concealed, his self safe from sins and performs his duties towards Allah with full responsibility. Hazrat Royam bin Mohammad

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Taraweeh Summary

Insha’Allah, the summary for the portion of Qur’an recited in Taraweeh Salaah each night will be posted up here.

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100 Pre Marital Questions

Premarital Questions These pre marital questions are to help couples get to know each other to help determine suitability and compatibility for marriage.  Pre marital questions provide clarity and insight into the person your are considering to marry and will insha’Allah increase your confidence and trust in making the right choice. These pre marital questions are not to be used as a list to work down in entirety, but used selectively should be a very useful tool in your quest

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Pre-Marital Relations

May Allah bless Shaykh who has with his advices saved many young men and women from committing fornication before marriage, by pointing out the whole truth in such a manner that the youth of today find it palatable and adhere to his advices. Once Shaykh very candidly called out to the youth of the community: “When young men and women date with each other (before marriage), they think that by doing this I am going to get to know the

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Key Advice for the Newly Wed

Based on the advices of Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat prepared by Brother Aslam Patel “You have never seen anything better than marriage for those who love.” (Ibne Mãjah) Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat dãmat barakãtuhum advises: 1. Every action is dependant upon intention. When marrying, both partners should therefore make a firm intention to accomplish the following objectives: Following the Sunnah of our beloved Nabee Muhammad s. Safeguarding oneself from sins. Parenting pious children. 2. When marrying, each becomes the other’s

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Marriage Breakdown

Nowadays, the general trend governing marriages is that the husband views his responsibility towards his family as being a purely materialistic one i.e. to provide financially for them (a house, car, clothes, etc). This attittude is resulting in many marriages breaking down since many husbands are seriously deficient in not spending sufficient time with their families – in communicating and interacting with the family and children. Islam presents a different view of the role of the husband, where he is

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