
Muslims and the Internet

Assalam alaykum, I recently came accross this article which I posted over at http://breatheislam.blogsome.com a long time ago but the advice still holds true and beneficial for us today, so I would like to share with you here again. When it comes to the internet, so much time is wasted, previously the TV was the time waster but now the internet has surpassed it. We need to worry about this influence a great deal more as concerned Muslims. Many many

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Assalam Alaykum, I have decided to run a competition for my UK readers, giving away some free books and CDs. All you have to do is leave a comment below saying: 1, “as-Salaamu ‘alaikum” 2, what you like most about Haq Islam 3, how we can improve and you will automatically be entered into the competition. Do not feel you to write an essay or lengthy paragraphs about 2 & 3 above, even one sentence will do. If you are

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Getting Closer to Allah

To gain closeness to Allah taala a person should do the following things: [1] A believer should make it his/her habit to recite a portion of the Holy Qur’an every day. Recital of the Qur’an is also a strong means in cleansing the hearts of the dirt of sins. [2] Stay away from all sins, especially back-biting, slandering and telling tales, as the Prophet, peace and blessings upon him, taught not only do these things deaden the heart, and thus

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8 Ways to Earn Even After Death

8 ways to earn even after your death. Give a copy of the Qur’an to someone. Every time they read from it, you gain. Donate a wheelchair to a hospital. Each time a sick person uses it, you gain. Teach someone to recite a Dua. Share a Qur’anic CD. Participate in building a Mosque. Place a water cooler/ well in a public place. Plant a tree. You gain whenever a person or animal sits in its shade or eats from it.

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My Yearning

O Allah, my yearning for You is even more intense than constant thirst for cool water on a very hot day.

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Shaykh Khalid Abdul Sattar

Shaykh Khalid Abdul Sattar was born in Chicago in 1974. He completed his bachelor’s degree in marketing and management from the Stern School of Business at New York University (NYU) in 1997. After graduation, he began studying with local scholars in Chicago. In 2003, he traveled to Pakistan to further advance his knowledge of the traditional Islamic sciences. There he dedicated five years to a full-time course of studies under some of the most accomplished scholars of the sub-continent. In

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The Fruits of Fear

Imam Ghazali (ra) says: “Fear rips away desires and muddens luxuries so that cherished sins become reprehensible, just as a honey lover is repelled by it when he learns that it has poison in it. This is how fear burns desires; disciplines the organs; subordinates the heart and gives it tranquility. It also enables the heart to rid itself of pride, hatred, and envy; and it leaves it absorbed in it (fear). Hence, the heart becomes preoccupied with its own

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Rights of Parents

1. You should not cause them any harm even if they commit any excesses. 2. Respect and honour them in your speech and dealings with them. 3. Obey them in permissible acts. 4. If they are in need of money, assist them even if they are kafirs. 5. The following rights are due to parents after their death: (a) Continue making duas of forgiveness and mercy for them. Continue sending rewards to them in the form of optional acts of

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