Taraweeh Salaah – Night 19

Taraweeh Salaah – Night 19

By Sheikh Abdul Hamid Lachporia – Canada

In the Name of Almighty Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Tonight’s Tarawee covers Wama Liyaa…(JUZ 23). The Surahs that will be recited this evening are: the three and two third Rukus of Surah Ya Sin, Surah Al Saffat in its entirety, Surah Sad, and half of Surah Al Zumar .

This particular Surah is devoted to the Beloved Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam and the Revelation which he brought. The abbreviated letters Ya Sin are usually construed as a title of the Nabee S.A.W. But it is not permissable to be dogmatic about the meaning of abbreviated letters. This Surah is considered to be “the heart of the Qur’an”, as it concerns the central figure in the teaching of Islam and the central doctrine of Revelation and the Hereafter. As referring to the Hereafter, it is appropriately read in solemn ceremonies after death. In chronology it belongs to the middle or early Makkan period.

Summary: – The Qur’an is full of wisdom, and those are unfortunate who cannot profit by it. The Wisdom of Revelation – the Qur’an received through the Nabee S.A.W. – is a guide to the Straight Path, and a warning against the terrible state in which the yokes of sin are enslave us. The righteous receive it with joy, for they believe in the Hereafter. Behold, there was once a City, to which came two righteous men with the Gospel of Truth. But they were rejected and persecuted: they were joined by a third, But the City refused to believe or to turn from iniquity. Only one man was found in its outskirts to be witness to Truth, Faith and Righteousness, and he did suffer Martyrdom. He attained Peace, but mourned for his people, in that they shut their gates of salvation and Allah’s Mercy on themselves. Alas for man’s short-sighted folly in defying The Grace that would shield and deliver him!

Are there not enough Signs around you to bear witness to Allah, and His saving Grace? The earth dies and revives: there are mysteries of Life and Sex, of Light and the Stars and Planets in heaven, that follow their orbits by Law and in harmony! There are the ships and the modes of transport by which man can conquer the forces around him with Allah-given Gifts! Learn the Laws of Goodness from them and believe in the Hereafter, it will come when least expected. Be prepared for Allah! When the Day comes, men will be taken aback. The Judgement Seat will be established. Blessed will be those who attain Salvation: Their Joy, Satisfaction, and Peace will be crowned with nearness to their Lord! Alas for the sinful, who deliberately followed evil: their own nature and actions will speak against them. They will face the realities of Punishment! Both Revelation and Nature are eloquent in instructing man for his own good in the Hereafter, which will come as a certainty. Praise and Glory to Allah.

This is the fourth in a series of Surahs in which the mysteries of the spiritual world are manifested in different ways, tending to the defeat and final extirpation of Evil. The defeat of Evil is throughout connected with Revelation, and here the ranged fight is illustrated by a reference to the Angels in heaven and to the earlier Prophets in our earthly history from Nabee Nuh A.S; to Nabee Yunus A.S. This Surah belongs to the early middle Makkan period.

Summary: – Through all the mysteries of the heavens and earth, there is a sorting out of the evil against the good: their final destinations contrasted. Peace and victory came to Nabee Nuh A.S; Nabee Ebrahim A.S; Nabee Moosa and Nabee Haroon Alayhim Salaam, to Nabee Ilyas A.S. and Nebee Lut A.S. in their conflict with Evil. So was it with Nabee Yunus A.S. when he glorified Allah. But men will ascribe to Allah what is unworthy of Him. Allah’s Prophets strive for His Glory, and shall be victorious. Allah is One, the Source and Centre of all Affairs. High is He above all creatures. The ranks of Angels and Messengers stand firm in His Service. Evil is sure to be overcome. So Praise and Glory to Allah, the Lord of Honour and Power, and Peace to His Messengers.

This Surah, both in chronology and subject matter is cognate to Surah Al Saffat and carries forward the same argument. But here the emphasis is laid on the working of earthly power when combined with spiritual power, and it is pointed out how much more significant (and real) spiritual power is. For this reason the illustrative stories are mainly those of Nabee Dawood A.S. and Nabee Sulayman A.S. who were kings as well as Prophets, and a parallel is suggested with the unfolding public life of our Beloved Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam.

Summary: – Worldly and evil men are surprised at the renewal of Truth and Righteousness; but righteousness has more power than worldly strength, as is seen in the story of kings like Nabee Dawood A.S., who had both. Nabee Sulayman also loved Allah more than worldly power, which may be good but may be misused by evil men of power and insight, chose the path of final bliss rather than final misery. So also is the case of Nabee Muhammad S.A.W. the final Messenger; his Gospel of Unity must triumph over all jealousy and Arrogance in Allah’s good time. The Gospel of Unity is the True Cure for Evil for it gives the good news of Allah’s Power
Supreme, and His Mercy and Forgiveness again and again. It warns us to avoid Evil, for Evil arose from selfish pride and rebellion. No power has it over Allah’s Servants, sincere and true: while Revelation comes as a Gift free to all Allah’s Creation.

This is the last of the series of Surahs which deal with the mysteries of the spiritual world, as leading up to the Ma’ad, or the Hereafter. Its subject matter is how Creation in its great variety is yet sorted out in Groups or Classes, all governed by one Plan, and created and sustained by One Creator, Who will separate Good from Evil at the Last Day. The words Zumar occurs in verses 71 and 73. It belongs to the later Makkan period.

Summary: – The variety in Creation yet points to the Unity of Plan: there is only One Creator: to Him is due all worship and from Him flow all Justice and Grace. There is Unity in Revelation, and Guidance comes from Almighty Allah alone. Turn to Him only, for all else is false. Allah’s Mercy is all-embracing: despair not: seek it before it is too late: for Judgement and Justice will come for certain. To Allah is due sincere devotion, and to Him Alone. There is none like unto Him. All nature obeys His Laws, and our own Growth and Life proclaim Him Lord and Cherisher. How can we blaspheme? We must serve Him, the One, the True, with sincere devotion, and follow His Law in its highest meaning or else the loss is our own. All nature proclaims aloud His Grace and Loving Kindness.

Courtesy: www.everymuslim.net

Taraweeh Salaah – Night 18

Taraweeh Salaah – Night 18

By Sheikh Abdul Hamid Lachporia – Canada

In the Name of Almighty Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Tonight’s Tarawee consists of Surah Wamay-Yaqnut….(JUZ 22). The Surahs to be be covered are the remaining two thirds of Surah Al Ahzab; Surah Saba (Sheba) in its entirety; Surah Fatir (The Originator of Creation} in its entirety and only one and a third Rukuh of Surah Ya Sin:

The Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam’s household is not for worldly ends: his consorts have a place and dignity beyond ordinary women. They must recite and proclaim the Signs of Allah. For women have spiritual values and duties like unto men. Allah decrees, no unhappy wedlock; fear not to dissolve such and provide what is right and fitting for the service of Allah. High is the Nabee S.A.W.’s position, and he must order his household as best befits his work and duties. Allah does watch all things. The Hour will come when all Evil will be punished. Fear Allah, and always speak the word that leads to Right. Let man but strive in Faith, and fulfil Allah’s Trust – by the Grace and Mercy of Allah.

This Surah leads off with emphasis on Allah’s Mercy and Power and Truth. We are told how Angels manifest the Power of Allah, and how different is Good from Evil and Truth from Falsehood. No good or Truth is ever lost. Human power and prosperity are fleeting; but Allah’s Power and Justice endure, and will enforce personal responsibility on man on the Last Day. Faith and Unfaith will eventually find their true places and true values; Falsehood has no power; Truth is with Allah. Man should understand and not resist Allah’s Revelation. Human wisdom and Power, as given to Nabee Dawood A.S., were only for establishing righteousness. Human glory, like Nabee Sulayman A.S.’s rested on slender foundations. Saba (Sheba) but enjoyed her fair and prosperous state as long as she obeyed the Law of Allah, but perished for unrighteousness. Learn then, that the Mercy and Power, Wisdom and Justice, of Allah are beyond all comparison. Do right and prepare for the Final Day.

This Surah deals with the mystery of Creation and its maintenance, with various forces typified, with various forces typified by the wings of Angels. Whether we look to outer nature or to man. Allah’s Grace proclaims His Glory, and protects His votaries from Evil. It is an early Makkan Surah, but its chronology has no significance. The forces which maintain Creation, as typified by Angels, were themselves created by Allah, to Whom Alone all praise is due: all else is naught. All good is from Allah: who then will choose Evil, and reach the doom that goes with Evil? Allah is the Source of all things: all Power, Wisdom, Beauty, and Truth from from Him. It is Evil that deceives and plots in the dark. All knowledge is with Allah. The things that are good and pure and true are not as the things that are evil, deceitful, and false. Allah is free of all needs: it is we that need Him: let us seek His love and live. His Message will save us from wrong, while dark is the fate of those who reject Him. Praise and Glory to Him, the Cherisher of all! Man can see by his own experience what infinite shades and grades of colour there are in nature. So there are grades in the spiritual world. The Good and the True understand Allah, Who knows and watches over all His Creation. The Good will reach Eternal Bliss, while Evil will find no helper. Arrogance and plotting will be the undoing of Evil: its doom is sure, if it fails to profit by the respite granted by the All-Merciful Allah.

Please Note:
The very first section [i.e. one and a third Rukuh of Surah Ya Sin will be read this evening but the commentary will be presented tomorrow evening Insha’Allah when the main portion of the entire Surah will be recited.

Courtesy: www.everymuslim.net

Taraweeh Salaah – Night 17

Taraweeh Salaah – Night 17

By Sheikh Abdul Hamid Lachporia – Canada

In the Name of Almighty Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Tonight’s Tarawee consists of Surah Utloo-Maa-Oohiya…(JUZ 21) and the Surahs that will be covered are:-
The remaining half of Surah Al Ankabut, Surah Al Rum, Surah Luqman, Surah Al Sajdah and a third of Surah Al-Ahzab.

Proclaim the Message of Allah, and pray to Him for purity and Guidance. Almighty Allah’s Revelation carries its own proofs and is recognised by men of wisdom. Its rejecters but lose their own chances of profiting by the Truth, and attaining the Paths that lead to Allah’s own gracious Presence!

This Surah deals with the question of Ma’ad or the Final End of Things, from various points of view. In the last Surah, we saw that Revelation was linked up with Life and Conduct, and Time (looking backwards and forwards) figured forth the frailty of this Life. In this Surah the Time theme and its mystery are brought into re3lation with human history in the foreground and the evolution of the world in all its aspects in the background. The corruption introduced by man is cleared away by Allah, Whose Universal Plan points to the Hereafter. This Surah was revealed about the 7th or 6th year before the Hijrah, corresponding to 615-616 of the Christian era, when the tide of Persian conquest over the Roman Empire was running strong. The Christian Empire of Rome had lost Jerusalem to the Persians, and Christianity had been humbled in the dust. The pro-Persian Pagan Quraysh rejoiced exceedingly, and redoubled their taunts and persecution against the Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam, whose Message was a renewal of the Message of Nabee Esa A.S. preached in Jerusalem. There is no doubt about the prophecy and its fulfillment. For the exulting Pagans of Makkah laid a heavy wager against the fulfillment of the prophecy with Hazrat Abu Bakr. and they lost it on its fulfillment.

Summary: – The ebb and flow of worldly power – as symbolised in the conflict of the Persian and Roman Empires – are but outward events: the deeper meaning is in the working of Allah’s Universe – how Good and Evil reach their final end. The changes and changing variety in Allah’s Creation, physical, moral, and spiritual, yet point to the Unity in Nature and Religion: man should not break away from that Unity, but glorify Him, the One, for there is none like unto Him. The hands of men have wrought corruption and mischief: but Allah purifies the moral world as He does the world of physical nature, strengthening the weak and pulling down the pulling down the mighty in due season: wait therefore in patience and constancy, and be not depressed.

The argument of the Final End of Things is here continued from another point of view. What is Wisdom? Where shall it be found? Will it solve the mysteries of Time and Nature, and the world higher than the physical Nature, which brings us nearer to Allah? “YES”, is the answer: “If, as in the advice of Luqman the Wise, human wisdom looks to Allah in true worship, ennobles every aspect of life with true kindness, but avoids the false indulgences that infringes the divine law – and in short follows the golden mean of virtue.” And this is indicated by every Sign in nature. This Surah belongs to the late Makkan period.

Summary: – The earnest seekers after righteousness receive guidance, unlike the seekers after vanity, who perish: all Creation bears witness to this: Wisdom, as expounded by Luqman the Wise, is true service to Allah, and consists in moderation. True Wisdom is firm and enduring, and discerns Allah’s Law in the working of His Creation: it looks to the Final End of Things, whose mystery is only known to Allah.

This short Surah closes the series of the four Alim, Lam, Mim Surahs, which began with the 29th. Its theme is the mystery of Creation, the mystery of Time and the mystery of Ma’ad (THE FINAL END) as viewed through the Light of Allah’s Revelation. The contemplation of these two mysteries should lead to Faith and the adoration of Allah. This Surah belongs to the middle Makkan period and is therefore a little earlier than the last, but its chronology has no significance.

Summary: – The mystery of Creation, the mystery of Time and the mystery of the End of Things are but known by external symbols to man: Revelation brings faith and humble adoration, and is a blessing like Rain, which brings life to dead soil. Clear are the Signs and the Revelation of Allah – in nature, history, and the Message of His living Prophets. If they learn not now, alas! It will be too late when the Wings of Time are furled.

The story of Al Ahzab or the Confederates, who tried to surround and annihilate the Muslim Community in Madinah, is full of underhand intrigues on the part of such diverse enemies as the Pagan Quraysh, the Jews (Banu al Nadir) who had been already expelled from Madinah for their treachery, the Ghatfan tribe of Bedouin Arabs from the interior, and the Jewish tribe of Banu Qurayzah in Madinah. This was the unholy Confederacy against Islam. But though they caused a great deal of anxiety and suffering to the beleaguered Muslims, Islam came triumphantly out of the trial and became more firmly established than ever. It was a well organised and formidable attack but the Muslims had made preparations to meet it. One of the preparations, which took the enemy by surprise, was the TRENCH (Khandaq) dug around Madinah by the Prophet S.A.W.’s orders and under the supervision of Hazrat Salman Farsi R.A. The siege and battle are therefore known as the Battle of the Trench or the Battle of the Confederates. The position and dignity of the ladies of the Nabee S.A.W.’s Household and the Muslim women generally, salutary principles are laid down to safeguard their homes and protect them from slander and insult.

Summary: – The pagan customs in human relationship should be abandoned, and men and women should be held in honour according to natural relationships and spiritual positions. High position and seemly conduct for the wives of the Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam to be treated kindly and gently. Respect due to the Nabee S.A.W. and his family, slander to be avoided and punished: guard your words and your responsibilities.

Courtesy: www.everymuslim.net

Taraweeh Salaah – Night 16

Taraweeh Salaah – Night 16

By Sheikh Abdul Hamid Lachporia – Canada

In the Name of Almighty Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Alhumdoelillah! Tonight’s Tarawee consists of the final quarter of Waqa lal Ladhi’na…. (JUZ 19) and Am’man Khalakas Samaa watee…(JUZ 20) in its entirety. The Surahs that will be covered this evening are as follows:
Surah Al Naml, Surah Al Qasas and half of Surah Al Ankabut (The Spider).

This Surah is cognate in subject to the one preceding it and the two following it: Its chronological place is also in the same group of four, in the middle Makkan period. Here there is much mystic symbolism. Wonders in the physical world are types of greater wonders in the spiritual world. The Fire, the White Hand, and the Rod, in the story of Nabee Moosa A.S.; the speech of the birds, the crowds of Jinns and men pitted against a humble ant, and the Hoopoe and the Queen of Sheba, in Hazrat Sulayman A.S.’s story; the defeat of the plot of the nine wicked men in the story of Hazrat Salih A.S; and the crime of sin with open eyes in the story of Hazrat Lut A.S. – lead up to the lessons of true and false worship and the miracles of Allah’s Grace and Revelation.

Summary: – Wonderful in Revelation, like the Fire which Nabee Moosa A.S. saw, which was a glimpse of Allah’s Glory, and His Miracles, which searched out those who refused Faith in spite of the light they had received. Nabee Sulayman A.S. knew the speech of Birds and had hosts of Jinns and men; yet the wise ant had ample defence against them: the Hoopoe who was absent at his master, was yet serving him: the Queen of Sheba had a kingdom, but it submitted with conviction to the Wisdom of Nabee Sulayman A.S. and the Kingdom of Allah.
Fools ascribe ill luck to godliness as in Hazrat Salih A.S.’s story, or fall into the lusts with their eyes open, as in the story of Hazrat Lut A.S.; but their plots and their rage will be foiled by Allah. Allah’s Glory and Goodness are supreme over all Creation: Unfaith will yield to Faith in the final adjustments of values: so follow Revelation, serve Allah. At the end of all things shall we know how small is our state, but for Allah’s Grace: let us bow to His Will and accept His True Guidance: Let us Praise Him Alone and Trust Him – now and forever.

This Surah continues with the subject of Revelation and its reception by those to whom it is sent. But it emphasises new points: how the recipient of inspiration is prepared for his high destiny, even in the growth of his ordinary life, and how the rejection of Allah’s Message by groups of men or by individuals is caused by overweening arrogance or avarice. The plight of those who reject the Truth is contrasted with the reward of the righteous. With the possible exception of a few verses, it belongs to the late Makkan period, just preceding the Hijrah.

Summary: – Fir’aun was arrogant and unjust, but Allah’s Plan was to strengthen the weak: in infancy Nabee Moosa A.S. was prepared for his mission; in youth he trusted in Allah and was guided; in his exile he found help and love; and when he was called, he was supported by Allah. So was the Holy Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam fed spiritually by Allah’s Grace, and his Revelation was recognised by those who knew the earlier Revelations: it came to an old sacred Centre, to warn those seduced by the glitter of this worldly life. The future is with those who repent, have faith, and do good: for all Mercy and Truth are with Allah. But men puffed up with wealth, like Qarun, will come to an evil end, while the lowly and the righteous will attain Allah’s Mercy. Let nothing keep your eyes back from that end: Then, and only then, shall you reach the Eternal Reality, the Glorious Reality, Which is Almighty Allah, Who endureth forever!

This Surah is the last of the series in which the growth of the spiritual man as an individual is considered, especially illustrated by the way in which the great Prophets were prepared for their work and received their mission, and the nature of Revelation in relation to the environments in which it was promulgated. It also closes sub-series which is concerned with the spiritual Light, and the reactions to it at certain periods of spiritual history. The last Surah closed with a reference to the doctrine of the Ma’ad, or final Return of man to Allah. This theme is further developed here, and as it is continued in the subsequent three Surahs all bearing the Abbreviated Letters, “Alif Lam Mim”, it forms a connecting link between the present series and those three Surahs. Emphasis is laid here on the necessity of linking actual conduct with the reception of Allah’s Revelation, and reference is again made to the stories of Nabee Nuh, Nabee Ebrahim and Nabee Lut Alayhim Salata Wasallam among the Prophets and the stories of Madyan, ‘Ad, Thamud, and Fir’aun among the rejecters of Allah’s Message. This worldly life is contrasted with the real Life of the Hereafter.

Summary: – Belief is tested by trial in life and practical conduct: though Nabee Nuh A.S. lived 950 years, his people refused Faith, and Nabee Ebrahim A.S.’s generation threatened to burn him. Hazrat Lut A.S.’s people not only rejected Allah’s Message bur publicly defied him in sin: the ‘Ad and the Thamud had intelligence but misused it, and Qarun, Fir’aun, and Haman perished for their overweening arrogance: they found their worldly power as frail as a spider’s web. The Glorious Qur’an as a revelation stands on its own merit and as a Sign: it teaches the distinction between Right and Wrong, Good and Evil, and shows the importance and excellence of the Hereafter. Worldly power cannot through sin defy the right, as was proved in the ministry of Hazrat Lut A.S; nor can Intelligence misused stand in the place of Allah’s Light; nor can boastful insolence do aught but dig its own grave. The strength and skill, the beauty and power, of this world’s life are no more than a Spider Web, Flimsy before the force of the eternal verities that flow from Almighty Allah Exalted and Supreme!

Courtesy: www.everymuslim.net

Taraweeh Salaah – Night 15

Taraweeh Salaah – Night 15

By Sheikh Abdul Hamid Lachporia – Canada

In the Name of Almighty Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Tonight’s Tarawee consists of the remaining half of Surah Qad-Aflahal Muh’minoona….. (JUZ 18) and three quarters of Waqa lal Ladhi’na…. (JUZ 19). The Surahs that will be covered this evening are the remaining three quarters of Surah Al Nur, Surah Furqan and Surah Al Shu’ara:

Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. High above our petty evanescent lives, He illumines our souls with means that reach our inmost being. Universal is His Light, so pure and so intense that grosser beings need a veil to take His rays: His elect are forever absorbed in prayer and praise and deeds of love, unlike the children of Darkness struggling in depths profound of vanities false.All Nature sings to the Glory of Allah, and men of fraud and hypocrisy are but rebels in the Kingdom of Allah. For a self-respecting life on earth, respect for other’s privacy is most essential, in the home and abroad: but superstitions are not met in intercourse amongst kin or true friends. In public council never fail to observe the most punctilious form and order: your self-respect demands that you should give your leader sincere respect and all obedience. You may not know but Allah does know the inwardness of things both great and small.

This Surah further develops the contrast between Light and Darkness, as symbolical of knowledge and ignorance, righteousness and sin, spiritual progress and degradation. It closes with a definition of the deeds by which the righteous are known in the environment of this world. It is an early Makkan Surah, but its date has no significance.

Summary: Allah’s highest gift to mankind is that He has furnished a Criterion for judgement between Right and Wrong – in His Revelation, which teaches us the true significance of our eternal Future. Those who do not use that Criterion will be full of woe when the Judgement comes, for Allah gave full warning at all times. In the contrast of shade and sun, night and day, death and life, and the whole ordering of Allah’s Creation, men may learn of Allah Most Gracious; and the virtues of the righteous respond to Allah’s care for them. Woe to the misbelievers who arrogantly demand to see Allah, yet reject His Signs! His Judgement will come, and when they will see, too late, how evil casts nothing but treacherous snares for man. Slowly comes Allah’s revelation, in ways most conducive to man’s enlightenment. Men in their folly reject the most obvious Signs of Allah. Let them mock! Soon will they know! Alas! men ruled by self-impulse are worse than brute beasts to guide or control.

This Surah begins a new series of four Surahs, which illustrate the contrast between the spirit of Prophecy and spiritual Light and the reactions to it in the communities among whom it appeared, by going back to old Prophets and the stories of the Past. In this particular Surah we have the story of Nabee Moosa A.S. and his fight with Fir’aun and of Fir’aun’s discomfiture. The other Prophets mentioned are Nabee Ebrahim A.S; Nabee Hud A.S; Nabee Salih A.S; Nabee Lut A.S; and Nabee Shu’ayb A.S. The lesson is drawn that the Qur’an is a continuation and fulfillment of previous Revelations, and is pure Truth, and the Whole Truth, unlike poetry of vain poets. Chronologically the Surah belongs to the middle Makkan period, when the contrast of the Light of Prophecy with the milieu of Pagan Makkah was testing the Makkans in their most arrogant mood.

Summary: – The conflict of Unbelief with Truth is vain: so was the conflict of Fir’aun with Nabee Moosa A.S.: Fir’aun’s magicians bowed to the Truth, and Fir’aun and his hosts were drowned. Nor did Nabee Ebrahim A.S.’s people gain anything by their resisting of the Truth he preached, and Nabee Nuh A.S,’s people perished by their Unbelief. Nabee Hau A.S. warned his people against reliance on their material strength and Nabee Salih A.S. against sacrilege, but in both cases the evil ones were brought low. Nabee Lut A.S. had to deal with unspeakable crimes, and Hazrat Shu’ayb A.S. against dishonest dealings and mischief: their teaching was rejected, but the rejecters were wiped out. So when the spirit of Prophecy came to Makkah, it was resisted by the votaries of evil: but Truth is not like vain poetry, and must triumph at last. Allah’s Plan works unceasingly: His Light shines none the less brightly, because some reject it or mock at it. Nabee Moosa A.S. was freed from all fear when Allah gave him His Signs and sent him to Fir’aun: he boldly proclaimed the Message, and won the wise ones of Egypt: the rejecters, with Fir’aun, perished, and their heritage passed to worthier hands.

Courtesy: www.everymuslim.net

Eighteen Reasons For Fasting

O ye who believe! Fasting is ordained for you, even as it was ordained for those before you, that ye may guard yourself (against evil)” Qur’an: Chapter 2, Verse 183).

Ramadan is a month of fasting and prayers for the Muslims. The fast consists of total abstinence from food and drink from dawn to dusk. There is, however, a greater significance to fasts than mere abstinence from eating and drinking. The real objective of fasts is to inculcate in man the spirit of abstinence from sins and of cultivation of virtue. Thus the Qur’an declares that the fasts have been prescribed with a view to developing piety in man, as is clear from the verse quoted at the top of this page.

How are the many facets of piety sought to be cultivated through the fasts?

  1. The prime consideration in undertaking fast, as in any act of devotion, is to seek NEARNESS TO GOD and beseech HIS PLEASURE and FORGIVENESS. This itself generates a spirit of piety in man.
  2. The wilful creation of the stringent conditions of hunger and thirst for one’s own self, simply in obedience to the Divine Order, measures the FAITH of man in God and helps to strengthen it by putting it to a severe test.
  3. Fasting enhances through creation of artificial non-availability, the value of the bounties of God, which man is apt to take for granted in the midst of plentiful availability, and thus inculcates in man a spirit of GRATITUDE and consequent DEVOTION to GOD. Nothing else can bring home to man the worth of God’s bounties than a glass of water and a square meal after a day‑long fast. This also reminds man that the real joy in enjoying God’s bounties lies in MODERATION and RESTRAINT and not in OVER INDULGENCE.
  4. Fasting makes us deeply conscious of the pangs of hunger and discomfort suffered by the less fortunate among our brethren, who may have to put up with such stringent conditions all through their lives ‑ it thus enkindles in man a spirit of SACRIFICE leading to CHARITY towards his suffering brethren.
  5. Fasting affords man an unfailing training in ENDURANCE ‑ i.e. a SPIRIT OF. ACCEPTANCE of the inevitable, which could well prepare him to put up with the unchangeable situations in life in the same spirit of RESIGNATION as cultivated during the fasts.
  6. Fasting develops COURAGE, FORTITUDE and a FIGHTING SPIRIT IN man to surmount the heavy odds in life with a cool and tranquil mind. It sharpens his, power of CONCENTRATION to overcome obstacles, through a vigorous exercise all through the month, leading to a steeling of his WILL POWER and RESOLVE, which could help him in trying situations in actual life. It is seen that many an undesirable habit which is found hard to leave, is more easily left off during the days of fasting.
  7. Fasting teaches man RELIANCE on God and CONFIDENCE in HIM in facing the bitter situations in life with the comforting thought that these too, ordained by Him, could well be surmounted through His assistance alone, even as the rigorous state of fasting for a complete month. For, fasting develops the quality of PATIENCE in man, with the realisation that, as the days of fasting, though seeming unending do have a successful and, so are all the bitter situations in life. It therefore infuses a spirit of GOOD CHEER, (driving away BITTERNESS and DESPAIR) in his attitude towards life and in his demeanour towards others.
  8. Through quick alternation of the state of plenty and of scarcity, fasting seeks to inculcate in man the right type of attitude in different situations in life‑ of GRATITUDE and THANKSGIVING in plenty and of PATIENCE and FORBEARANCE in difficulty.
  9. Fasting is meant to CONQUER ANGER, not to augment it, and to develop SELF‑CONTROL in man; for the vigorous effort of wilfully putting up with a continued state of hunger and thirst can well be extended to conquer other infirmities of human character that lead man into error and sin.
  10. Fasting inculcates a spirit of TOLERANCE in man to face unpleasant conditions and situations without making his fellow-being the victim of his wrath on account of his adverse conditions, such as deprivation of his basic needs of life, which constitutes the common cause of dissension among men.
  11. Fasting MELLOWS a man and enhances his character, giving jolt to the human instincts of ‘PRIDE, HAUGHTINESS, ENVY and AMBITION, for when fasting, a man’s energies are too sapped to follow these instincts which are the chief causes of discord and conflict among men.
  12. Fasting exposes the weakness of man in the event of his being deprived of but two of the bounties of God ‑ those of food and drink; it thus infuses in him a spirit of MEEKNESS and SUBMISSION, generating HUMILITY and PRAYER in an otherwise arrogant man.
  13. Fasting breathes the spirit of FORGIVENESS in man towards his subordinates, as he himself seeks God’s FORGIVENESS through fasts and prayers.
  14. Fasting affords lessons in PUNCTUALITY through man’s strict adherence to various time‑schedules in the observance of fasts and offering of prayers.
  15. Fasting can be made to effect ECONOMY in an individual’s life, which can be extended to wider spheres.
  16. Fasting enforces in man rigid DISCIPLINE ‑ mental, spiritual and physical ‑ a trait of character which forms an essential ingredient to success in human life.
  17. Fasting provides LEISURE, that could he gainfully employed in devotional or intellectual pursuits. The month‑long duration of fasts creates a proper climate for the SPIRITUAL REFORMATION in man, infusing in him a spirit pf enthusiasm and zest to turn over a new leaf ‑ an opportunity provided every year.
  18. On the physical side, fasting cleanses the human system of the accumulated impurities of uninterrupted eating throughout the year. It prepares the body for toughness and hardihood to face disease or conditions of scarcity. The rigid abstinence that the fast provides, regulates man’s HEALTH, sharpens has INTELLECT, gives spurt to his SPIRITUALLY and enhances the qualities of his HEART. With the cleansing of the human body, it paves the way for its easy and effective rebuilding through meals at the end of the day or after the month is over.

Source: Jamiatul Ulama South Africa

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Taraweeh Salaah – Night 14

Taraweeh Salaah – Night 14

By Sheikh Abdul Hamid Lachporia – Canada

In the Name of Almighty Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Tonight’s Tarawee consists of the remaining three quarters of Iqtaraba (JUZ 17) and the first half of Qad-Aflahal Muh’minoona (JUZ 18). The Surahs to be covered are: the remaining half of Surah Al Anbiya, Surah Hajj, Surah Al-Muh’minun and a quarter of Surah Al-Nur [The Light].

The great exemplars of virtue conquered evil, each according to his circumstances. Nabee Ebrahim Alayhis Salaam stood staunch in the fire of persecution, unhurt; Hazrat Lut Alayhis Salaam was bold in reproving abominations; Hazrat Nuh Alayhis Salaam survived the Great Flood by his faith, in a world of Unbelief. Hazrat Dawood Alayhis Salaam sought justice, and sang Allah’s praises; Hazrat Sulayman Alayhis Salaam by wisdom subdued the refractory; Hazrat Ayoub Alayhis Salaam was patient in suffering; Hazrat Ismail Alayhis Salaam, Hazrat Idris Alayhis Salaam, Hazrat Dhu al Kifl [Isaiah] Alayhis Salaam, were true in constancy amid temptation; Hazrat Yunus Alayhis Salaam turned to Allah after a short misunderstanding; Hazrat Zakariya Alayhis Salaam and his family were examples of devoutness; and Bibi Maryam Alayhis Salaam of chastity. All men and women of Allah are from one united Brotherhood.

We now come to a new series of four Surahs, dealing with the environment and methods contributing to our spiritual progress, as the last five Surahs dealt with the Messengers who came in various ways to proclaim the Truth and conquer evil. The subject matter of this particular Surah is concerned mainly with the spiritual implications of the Sacred House, the Hajj, the Sacrifice, the striving and Fighting in defence of Truth when attacked, and other acts that make for Unselfishness and uproot Falsehood. On the chronology of this Surah, opinion is divided. Some parts were probably revealed in the latter Makkan period, and some in Madinah. But the chronological question has no significance here.

Purity, Prayer, Humility, and Faith are implied in the Hajj; in solemn Sacrifice we express our gratitude and reverence to Allah, and our desire to share food with other poorer brethren; Striving and Fighting in defence of Truth when attacked are necessary as tests of self-sacrifice. The promptings of Evil may hinder the work of Allah’s Prophet, but that work must triumph, and the Mercy and Truth of Allah must be established; therefore serve Allah humbly, and He will protect and help you. The power of Evil is in insidious suggestions. They are only a trial to those who hearts are inclined to evil, but Truth does shine the nobler for the Believers, by the Grace and guidance of Allah. Do not dispute about rites and ceremonies : Follow the Straight Path. Seek for worship the Only Creator and Sustainer, and strive in His service, that you may be witness among men to Allah’s Truth, as the Nabee S.A.W. is a witness to you.

This Surah deals with the virtues which are the seed-bed of Faith, especially in an environment in which Truth is denied and its votaries insulated and persecuted. But Truth is One and must prevail. Those who do wrong will be filled with vain regrets when it is too late for repentance.

Summary: – Faith, coupled with humility in prayer, charity, abstinence from vanity and from indulgence in appetites, and strict probity, must lead to final success, even though people mock and accuse the righteous of false motives, as did the contemporaries of Nabee Nuh, of Nabee Moosa and Nabee Esa Alayhim Salaam. The prophets of Allah and the righteous form one Brotherhood, but those who make schims and refuse to believe have ample evidence pointing to Truth and the goodness and greatness of Allah. Evil must be repelled by goodness and faith in Allah; for the future life is sure, and those who disbelieve will wish for another chance when it is too late. Let us eschew evil, but not pay back evil in its own coin, however great the temptation: no chance will there be to retrieve our conduct, once death cuts us off. Then we shall only have to wait for Judgement: none can pass that barrier: Our deeds will be weighed, And happy will be those whose good weighs more in the scale than ill. Only faith and Goodness will prevail in the end. So Glory be to the Lord of the Throne exalted, of Mercy and Honour.

The environmental and social influence which most frequently wreck our spiritual ideals have to do with sex and especially with its misuse, whether in the form of unregulated behaviour, or false charges or scandals, or breach of the refined conventions of personal or domestic privacy. Our complete conquest of all pitfalls in such matters enables us to rise to the higher regions of Light and of Allah-created Nature. This subject continues in the next Surah. As the reprobation of false slanders about women is connected with an incident that happened to Hazrat A’ishah R.A. in A.H. 5-6 that fixes the chronological place of this Madinah Surah.

Summary: – Sex offenders should be severely punished, but strictest evidence should be required, and false slanderers are also worthy of punishment. Light talk about women is reprobated. Privacy should be respected, and the utmost decorum should be observed in dress and manners. Parable of Light and Darkness: order and obedience in Nature point to the spiritual duty of man. Domestic manners and manners in public or collective life in all contribute to the highest virtues, and are part of our spiritual duties leading up to Allah.

Chastity is a virtue, for men and and women, whether joined in marriage, or single, or widowed. The punishment for offences in such matters should be public. No less. Grave is the launching of false charges or rumours against the fair reputation of women, or the spreading of such slanders, or the facile belief in them. Evil is spreading its net. Good men and women should ever be on their guard, and pray for Allah’s Grace and Mercy.

Courtesy: www.everymuslim.net

Taraweeh Salaah – Night 13

Taraweeh Salaah – Night 13

By Sheikh Abdul Hamid Lachporia – Canada

In the Name of Almighty Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Tonight’s Tarawee consists of the whole of Ka la Alam Akul…(JUZ 16) and a quarter of Iqtaraba (JUZ 17). The Surahs that will be recited this evening covers the remaining quarter of Surah Al Kahf [The Cave], Surah Maryam in its entirety, Surah Ta Ha completely and half of Surah Al Ambiya.

Nabee Moosa Alayhis Salaam was up against mysteries which he wanted to explore. He searched out a man endued with knowledge derived from the divine springs from which flow the paradoxes of life. He is shown three such paradoxes and how human impatience is inconsistent with their true understanding. The highest knowledge comes not except by divine gift, and a constant, patient striving, with faith, to apprehend something of the purpose of the All- Wise Allah. This story of Nabee Moosa Alayhis Salaam is meant to illustrate four points
(1) He was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians. Even so that wisdom did not comprehend everything, even as the whole stock of the knowledge of the present day, the sciences and the arts, and the literature, (if it could be supposed to be gathered in one individual), does not include all knowledge. Divine knowledge, as far as man is concerned, is unlimited. Even after Nabee Moosa Alayhis Salaam received his divine mission, his knowledge was not so perfect that it could not receive further additions. (2) Constant effort is necessary to keep our knowledge square with the march of time, and such effort Nabee Moosa Alayhis Salaam is shown to be making. (3) The mysterious man he meets to whom tradition assigns the name Khidr (literally, Green), is the type of that knowledge which is ever in contact with life as it is actually lived. (4) These are paradoxes in life: apparent losses may be real gain; apparent cruelty may be real mercy; recurring good for evil may really be justice and not generosity. Allah’s Wisdom transcends all human calculation.

Three episodes in the life of a great king, Dhu al Qarnayn illustrated how power and opportunities should be used in the service of Allah; he punished the guilty; he left primitive people their freedom of life; and he protected industrious people from grasping neighbours. But he relied upon Allah, and he made them remember the Day of Judgement; when all will see the Truth and receive the punishments and rewards earned in their present life.

We now pass on the story of individual Messengers of Allah in their personal relations with their environment – Hazrat Yahya A.S. with his father Hazrat Zakariya A.S., Nabee Esa A.S. (Jesus) with his mother Bibi Maryam R.A.; Nabee Ebrahim A.S. with his unbelieving father, Nabee Moosa A.S. with his brother Nabee Haroon A.S. (Aaron), Nabee Isma’il A.S. with his family and Nabee Idris A.S. in the high station to which he was called. Seeing how these great ones fitted into the scheme of life, man is condemned for his want of faith, or for degrading his faith to superstition, and warned of the Hereafter.

Summary – Zakarriya Alayhis Salaam was anxious to have an heir to carry on Allah’s work in a world of unrighteousness, and Yahya Alayhis Salaam was given to him. Hazrat Maryam R.A. the mother of Nabee Esa (Jesus) Alayhis Salaam was maligned by her people, but Nabee Esa Alayhis Salaam comforted her and was good to her. Nabee Ebrahim Alayhis Salaam was persecuted for his Faith by his people, including his unbelieving father, but he withdrew from them, and was blessed; Nabee Moosa Alayhis Salaam was helped by his brother Nabee Haroon (Aaron) Alayhis Salaam; Nabee Isma’il brought up his family in piety; and Nabee Idris Alayhis Salaam was truthful and pious in a high station; they showed the way; yet men will not learn the good of life.Man should not disbelieve in the Hereafter, nor sully his faith by false notions about Almighty Allah.

The chronology of the Surah has some significance: it has some relation to the spiritual lesson which it teaches. It was used with great effect in that remarkable scene which resulted in Hazrat Umar’s conversion, and which took place about the seventh year before the Hijrah. Hazrat Umar R.A. had previously been one of the greatest enemies and persecutors of Islam and like his blood thirsty kinsmen the Quraysh, he meditated killing our Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam. Upon being told that he had very close relations of his who had embraced Islam, he proceeded to the home of his sister Fatima and her husband Sa’id. They had both embraced Islam but in those days of persecution they kept their faith secret. As he approached his sister’s house, he heard them reciting this Surah from a written copy they had. Umar attacked his sister and her husband, but the bore the attack with exemplary patience, and declared their faith to him. Hazrat Umar R.A. was struck with their sincerity and fortitude and asked to see the leaf from which they had been reading. It was given to him: his soul was touched so much so that that he not only embraced Islam but became one of the strongest supporters and champion.

Summary: The revelation of Allah (The Holy Qur’an) is not an occasion of distress, but is a gift of mercy from Allah Most Gracious. How Nabee Moosa Alayhis Salaam was first chosen, and led to his mission to Fir’aun with his brother Hazrat Haroon Alayhis Salaam. How the mother of Nabee Moosa Alayhis Salaam was directed to cast the infant Moosa into the river, to be brought up in Fir’aun’s palace under Allah’s own supervision, in order to preach to Fir’aun and declare Allah’s Glory. How Nabee Moosa Alayhis Salaam was directed to lead his people and quell their rebellious spirit, and how that spirit was stirred up by Samiri. On the Day of Judgement personal responsibility will be enforced, and Allah’s Truth acknowledged: man should guard against Nabee Adam’s enemy, Iblis, and should renounce vanities, purify himself with prayer and praise, and await the call to Allah.


This Surah begins with the external obstacles placed by evil against purification of the soul with prayer and praise and gives the assurance of Allah’s power to defend men, illustrating this with reference to Nabee Ebrahim A.S.’s fight against idolatry, Hazrat Lut’s fight against injustice and failure to proclaim Allah’s glory by making full use of man’s God-given faculties and powers, that of Nabee Ayub A.S. against impatience and want of self-confidence, that of Hazrats Isma’il, Idris, and dhul Kifl against want of steady perseverance, that of Dha al Nun against hasty anger, that of Zakarriya against spiritual isolation, and that of Bibi Maryam R.A. against the lusts of this world. In each allusion there is a special point about the soul’s purification. The common point is that the Prophets A.S. were not, as the vulgar suppose, just irresistible men. They had to win their ground inch by inch against all kinds of resistance from evil.

Courtesy: www.everymuslim.net

Taraweeh Salaah – Night 12

Taraweeh Salaah – Night 12

By Sheikh Abdul Hamid Lachporia – Canada

In the Name of Almighty Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Tonight Insha’Allah – we complete the final quarter of Rubama Yawadul Ladhi’naa (JUZ 14) and the whole of Subhanal Ladhee (JUZ 15). The Surahs that will be covered this evening are: half of Surah Al Nahl, Surah Bani Isra’il and three quarters of Surah Al Kahf.

Allah’s Prophets, if rejected, will be witnesses against those who reject Allah’s Truth! And all false gods will disappear. A life of justice and righteousness is enjoined by Allah, and the strictest fidelity, in intent and action. For Allah will judge us by our faith and deeds, and no evil shall have power over those who believe and put their trust in Allah their Lord. Allah’s Truth may come in stages, but it gives strength, guidance, and glad tidings, and should be held fast when once received. Be not like those who get puffed up with pride in worldly good, and scorn the Truth. Enjoy the good things in life, but render thanks to Allah and obey His Law. Be true in faith, and proclaim His Word with gentle, patient wisdom: for Allah is with those who live in self-restraint a pure, good, and righteous Life.

This Surah begins with with the mystic Vision of the Ascension of the Holy Prophet Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam: he was transported from the Sacred Mosque in Makkah to the Farthest Mosque of Jerusalem in a night and shown some of the Signs of Allah. The Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam was first transported to the seat of the earlier revelations in Jerusalem, and then taken through the seven heavens even to the Sublime Throne, and initiated into the spiritual mysteries of the human soul struggling in Space and Time. The reference to this great mystic story of the Mi’raj is a fitting prelude to the journey of the human soul in its spiritual growth in life. The first steps in such growth must be through moral conduct – the reciprocal rights of parents and children, kindness to our fellow men, courage and firmness in the hour of danger, and sense of personal responsibility, and a sense of Allah’s Presence through prayer and praise. The Mi’raj is usually dated to the 27th night of the month of Rajab (though other dates e.g. 17th Rabi’1, are also given) in the year before the Hijrah. This fixes the date of the opening verse of the Surah, though portions of the Surah may have been a little earlier.

Our service to Allah is shown also in our human relations, goodness to parents and kinsmen and strangers in want, as well as kindness to children, purity in sex relations, justice and respect for human life, protection of orphans, probity in all dealings, and avoidance of arrogance. Allah’s Glory is above all comparison, and the reception of His Revelation marks off the man of faith from those who do not believe. But the Believers should speak fair and avoid dissentions, for Allah doth encompass all men. Pride caused the fall of Iblis, but the children of Adam have been raised in excellence above other Creation. They will be judged by their deeds. Prayer is good at stated times and at night, and the Qur’an is offered as healing and mercy. Inspirations (the Holy Qur’an) is a Sign of Allah’s Grace, and men should accept it without making carping excuses. Be humble in prayer and praise.

This particular Makkan Surah may be called a lesson in the brevity and mystery of Life. First there is the story of the Companions of the Cave who slept therein for a long period, and yet thought they had been there only a day or less. Then there is the story of the mysterious Teacher who shows Nabee Moosa Alayhis Salaam how life itself is a parable. And further there is the story of Dhu al Qarnayn, the two horned one, the powerful ruler of west and east, who made an iron wall to protect the weak against the strong. The parables refer to the brevity, uncertainty, and vanity of life; to the many paradoxes in it, which can only be understood by patience and the fullness of knowledge; and to the need of guarding our spiritual gains against the incursions of evil.

Summary: – The Qur’an is a direction and a warning. This life is brief and subject to vicissitudes. Our ideas of Time are defective, as shown in the story of the Companions of the Cave, who had faith, truth, patience, and other virtues. But their life was a mystery that can be fathomed but by a few. Knowledge is for Allah: be on your guard against idle and cocksure hopes. Learn from the Qur’an the Parable of the man who is puffed up with this world’s goods and is brought to nought,. This life is uncertain and variable: goodness and virtue are better and more durable. For the Day of Reckoning will come, with its Mercy and with its Wrath. Nabee Moosa Alayhis Salaam in his thirst for knowledge forgot his limitations. Patience and faith were enjoined on him, and he understood when the paradoxes of Life were explained. Dhu al Qarnayn had a wide dominion: he punished the guilty and rewarded the good; he protected the weak from the lawless; but he had faith, and valued the guidance of Allah. Allah is One, and His service is Righteousness.

Courtesy: www.everymuslim.net

The Purpose of Ramadan

The month of Ramadhan is not like any other month; its purpose is to rid man of those habits which he has accumulated throughout the rest of the year. It is a month that prepares man for the remaining eleven months by teaching him discipline and self control. Thus, Allah has made some acts which are beloved to man, like eating, drinking and fulfilling one’s desires, Haraam. If man can control these desires in this month, which are usually permissible for him, then he can surely control himself from other desires which are not permissible throughout the remaining months.

This blessed month has been sent by Allah to His bondsmen so that can create a connection and draw closer to Allah by reaping the many rewards that lie in this month. A person who has been given the opportunity to be present in this month can take this as a sign that Allah Ta’ala has given him another opportunity to draw closer to Him and earn His paradise through worship in this month.

In this month we will be given many opportunities, as mentioned above to reform ourselves and seek forgiveness for our bad sins. This is a month of reformation and self reflection, where a believer can ponder of over spirituality and piety and bring a change for the better. The Prophet of Allah صلي الله عليه و سلم has clearly stated:

مَنْ لَمْ يَدَعْ قَوْلَ الزُّورِ وَالْعَمَلَ بِهِ فَلَيْسَ لِلَّهِ حَاجَةٌ فِي أَنْ يَدَعَ طَعَامَهُ وَشَرَابَهُ
“Whoever does not give up lying and evil actions, then Allah is not in need of his leaving his food and drink” [Saheeh al-Bukhari]

It is clear from this Hadeeth which has been narrated on the authority of Hadrhat Abu Huraira رضي الله عنه that Allah is not in need of any person to leave his food or drink. Allah is far from needs and desires. However, it is the mercy of Allah that He wants each and every person to leave those things which will lead him to the hellfire and by controlling one’s desires throughout this month it is hoped that one will be able to control himself throughout the following months also.

For those who can relate, we can look at the month of Ramadhan like an MOT test. It is vital to be on form during this test. Once the test is over then we should be at a standard where we can continue through the following months. Indeed, there will be repairs and faults in between, but these will be minor and can be dealt with on the spot.

May Allah Ta’ala make us successful in this test, for the one who is unsuccessful in this test may not be given an opportunity for a re-test.

ان جبرئيل عرض لي فقال بعد من ادرك رمضان فلم يغفر له قلت آمين
“Jibreel came to me and said, ‘Whoever reaches the month of Ramadan and does not have his sins forgiven and so enters the Fire, then may Allah distance him, say ameen.” So I said “Ameen” [Mustadrak al-Haakim]

In summary, the month of Ramadhan has been made so that mankind can take benefit of the merits and blessings contained within to change themselves for the better and by doing so create a bond with Allah that will continue throughout the eleven remaining months.

It is a month within which Allah has instructed us to place more emphasis on actions regarding our Deen (religion) as opposed to our daily routine and emphasis on worldly matters.

I pray that this information comes in use and aids the readers in preparing for the month of Ramadhan.

As a reminder, please commit the following Du’a to memory and make a habit of reciting it daily until the day of Ramdhan.

اللهم بارك لنا في رجب وشعبان وبلغنا رمضان
“O Allah, make the months of Rajab and Sha’ban blessed for us, and let us reach the month of Ramadhan.” [Musnad-e-Ahmed]

Source: Collection of Treasures
by Maulana Zain

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